Posts Tagged ‘Healthcare Works’

A fresh perspective on health reform

It’s no secret that I’m a staunch supporter of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But to me, it’s about much more than a single piece of legislation. The ACA is a significant first step in transforming America’s current “sick care system” into a bona fide healthcare system — which is the shared objective of every advocate for healthcare reform.


That’s why I’ve launched a new project called Healthcare Works. The goal of the project is to do more than share people’s ACA success stories, something I’ve been doing for years and will continue to do. Healthcare Works will illuminate how well healthcare works — how access to benefits and a continuum of care can help Americans lead healthier lives. Education is key to helping people see the bigger picture of healthcare reform and all the good it will do.

I wrote about the project over at Eclectablog, and you can read all about it there.

Please follow us at Healthcare Works — and tell us how the ACA is helping you. We’re just getting started. There’s no telling where the project might take us.

[Logo design by Sara Cederberg.]