Posts Tagged ‘Amanda Lewan’

Even in 140 characters, content is king

Who says social media exists strictly behind the screen of a computer or mobile device?

LAF_9575 - Version 2On March 19, I’ll be extending it into the real world, at a presentation hosted by IABC Detroit. My talented friend Amanda Lewan and I will be leading a panel discussion on social media.

Here’s the scoop.

IABC Detroit Presents:
“Content is King – How Storytelling Steers Social Media”

Wednesday, March 19 – Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Allegra, 47585 Galleon Drive, Plymouth

Join our panel discussion with Amy Lynn Smith, writer, strategist and contributor to Michigan’s Eclectablog, and 2012 Deputy Digital Director for Obama for America-Michigan, and Amanda Lewan, founder and editor of Michipreneur, an online community for Michigan startups and creatives. Amanda is a professional storyteller and her personal blog on Digital Storytelling is a featured blog for The Macomb Daily.

Amy and Amanda will share proven tactics on creating an effective social media strategy, how to establish a voice and a following, how to curate and push out content that makes the biggest impact on each social media platform and how to keep the “social” in social media. They’ll also cover how to
spice up social media promotions with traditional storytelling methods, practical digital storytelling tips and strategies, and tips for growing an online community from the ground up.

amanda lewanSounds like fun, right? I’m looking forward to it. Especially because I know this audience will value Amanda’s emphasis on storytelling — and my firm belief that the fundamental principles of good communication apply everywhere, including on social media.

The cost of the event is $25 for IABC members and $35 for non-members. You can register via PayPal at IABC Detroit’s website.

If you have questions, contact Nancy Skidmore via email or at 248-546-5490.

[Photo credits: Top – LAF Lines Photography; Bottom – Courtesy of Amanda Lewan.]